The Curse of Technology

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. A lot of people insist on the theory of  global village to explain the advancement in the world of science and tech. This is pretty much accurate but still far from perfection and lacks the discipline it requires in most of the parts.  

What is an ideal Global Village?

An Ideal Global Village is a community that ensures the security of its members rather than making communications super fast. Most of the times, we praise and trust social media and internet for making everything super easy and super fast but we neglect that it's also have all over data which can be shared with anyone and can be exploited in a number of different ways. Moreover, the negative effects of social media and other platforms can not be neglected.  

Data Leakage: 
 Now a days, every app you install uses your camera, microphone and has access to your call log, contacts and your personal files including your pictures, videos & documents. I hope you already know about your chats on social media being recorded. Although all apps certify that chat is end-to-end encrypted and cannot be accessed by anyone but it's not actually true. It can be accessed by company and they sell your information to different ad companies. As a result, your shown ads of products of which you are a potential consumer. For example, you talked about buying a watch with your friend on whatsapp, that particular sort of information will be taken out and sold. As a result, Facebook or Instagram or any other platform will show you ads accordingly. It's not really bad but the problem is data of every app can be manipulated by a hacker resulting in leakage of your personal data. Now, this hacking can be of two types, either you are sole victim and only your data is accessed by a hacker. In this case, only your phone or your accounts were hacked. Other type of hacking is in which data is taken from social media company. In this case, data of a bunch of users (in millions) is leaked and misused. 

Negative Effects: 
 With a quick change in communication methods, scams are becoming rapid. It almost take a month or more for people on internet to break-down and share the sense of scam.  The other effects of internet includes emotional damage to brain and encouraging depressing thoughts.  

Author: Hanzala

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